How to Clean your Dog Grooming Kit

How to Clean your Dog Grooming Kit
How to Clean your Dog Grooming Kit

How To Clean Your Grooming Kit

How to Clean your Dog Grooming Kit

Within every profession, you will have specific tools to complete your job. Within dog grooming, it is paramount to have a dog grooming kit. Whether you work at home or in a salon, you have invested your hard earned money into these safe and high-quality tools. Having the tools is one thing but keeping them clean is a priority. For the tools to be safe for use, they need to be as hygienic as possible in order to maintain the health of the animals you care for. We recommend keeping antibacterial soap, rubbing alcohol, and soft cloths in your dog grooming kit and setting aside a few moments after every grooming appointment to care for your tools.


Brushes and Combs

Brushes and Combs are an essential piece of kit, but you already know that! Mostly all of you appointments will involve using a brush or comb, so not only making sure these are high quality, you need to keep them clean and free of hair and dirt. You will more than likely have one if not all three of these brushes – Slicker Brush, Pin Brush, and Bristle Brush. This will help to ensure that you are equipped for any coat type but also means that you have more tools to clean and maintain. But don’t get caught up worry about having a few more tools to clean, as cleaning brushes and combs is an easy process and can be done relatively quick.


To clean your Brushes and Combs:

  • Start by removing any hair that is caught in the brush or comb.
  • Fill a sink or small wash case with hot water and add a small amount of antibacterial soap.
  • Leave to soak for 10-20 mins.
  • Once soaked, remove them from the water and use a soft cloth to dry them. (If pushed for time you can use a hairdryer)

Once you have cleaned your tools, you can be fully confident knowing that your next pup will benefit from safe, clean tools.



More than likely you will be using your scissors in every appointment, and some days, you will use them for long periods of time. As you will be using them constantly, you want to make sure they are comfortable, safe and of course, clean as a whistle. Scissors will take a few more minutes to clean and maintain, but it is this attention to hygiene and safety that is essential when working with animals.


To clean your Scissors:

  • First, brush away any remaining hairs.
  • Fill a small bowl or plastic tub and fill with Barbicide (Dilution rate 32:1) or with hot water and a small amount of antibacterial soap.
  • Leave to soak for 10-20 mins.
  • Dry your scissors of well making sure you pay particular attention to the area between the blades.

Lubricating your scissors:

  • This helps to remove any dirt or hair stuck in the scissor joint.
  • Open the scissors at a 90° angle and apply a drop of scissor oil into the joint of the scissors. Do not over oil.
  • Open and close the blades a few times to work the oil in.
  • Wipe the blades clean and any access oil.

Once you have your scissors cleaned and lubricated, an added extra is to keep your scissors in a protected plastic cover or a padded scissor wallet. This will provide extra cover and keep them safe and clean ready for next use.


Nail Clippers

When it comes to nail clippers there are two main types – Plier-style or Guillotine-style. Most dog groomer will prefer the plier style over guillotine, but it all comes down to personal preference. When it comes down to cleaning, the cleaning process it the same for both.


To clean your Nail Clippers:

  • First, brush away any remaining nail or hair.
  • Fill a small bowl or plastic tub and fill with Barbicide (Dilution rate 32:1) or with hot water and a small amount of antibacterial soap.
  • Leave to soak for 10-20 mins.
  • Dry your nail clippers of well making sure you pay particular attention to the area between the blades.


Dog Grooming Clippers

Clippers are a big and essential item that is kept in your dog grooming kit. Your clipper needs to be strong, reliable, and of course, kept free of hair and other bacteria. Groomer will either have corded or cordless, maybe even both, depending on their workspace, but cleaning them is exactly the same. Cleaning the clipper is slightly more intricate than scissors or brushes, but it is no less important. We recommend cleaning your clipper blades at least once a week. If you find that you are frequently cutting dense or dirty coated dogs you may need to clean your blades more often.


To clean your Clipper Blades:

  • Clean any hair and debris with a bristle brush, old toothbrush or a blast of compressed air.
  • Fill a small glass or container of solution.
  • Immerse the blades in the blade wash, turn on the clipper while submerged in the cleaner and allow them to run for several seconds. (Always keep wet blades pointed down so the solution doesn’t run inside the clippers).
  • Turn off the clipper and remove them from the blade wash and pat dry with lint-free cloth.

To lubricate your Clipper Blades:

  • Apply a small amount of clipper oil directly between the teeth on the rear rail and on the blade guide.
  • Allow to soak in for a few minutes.
  • Wipe away any access with a lint-free cloth.
  • Re-apply after every cleaning and as need during clipping.

When using clippers for a long period of time it is also recommended to swap out heated blades for cool ones. If you do not have that option it is also recommended to use a cooling spray on the blade. Simply apply the spray to the front of the blade, not the cutting surface, allow to set for a minute and then wipe away any coolant before resuming clipping.  This spray will cool, lubricate, clean and disinfect clipper blades while they are being used. It is also recommended to store your blades with care in a Blade Case or Blade Box. This not only protects and keeps your blades safe from being dropped and damaged but also keep them tidy and organised.


All in All

Your clients will pick up on this cleanliness and professionalism, as you’ll be taking out gleaming, impeccable pairs of scissors to groom their dogs. Don’t ever think that your attention to detail (and the dog’s health!) isn’t recognised!