Why Do My Dog Grooming Clippers Keep Jamming?

Why Do My Dog Grooming Clippers Keep Jamming?
Why Do My Dog Grooming Clippers Keep Jamming?

Maria Bjorn why do my clippers keep jamming



Why do my dog grooming clippers keep jamming?


Clippers are a dog groomer's best friend and are used on practically every dog that comes through our doors. Even deshed grooms tend to have a little bit of clipping in terms of paw pads and hygiene areas, so maintaining your clippers is absolutely essential.


Just like with any electrical piece of equipment, jams and other issues can happen with dog grooming clippers. Regular cleaning and general maintenance in the salon and having a trusted sharpener to service your clippers professionally is the key to long-lasting equipment.


blade drive


The most common part to wear out with clippers is the blade drive. This small drive is responsible for moving your blades, so it is the one part that will wear down quickly and will need to be changed regularly. Different clippers have different blade drives, so making yourself familiar with your clippers when you get them is important. The blade drive is relatively easy to change by yourself with the help of tutorials, or you can contact your sharpener who will most likely be able to do it for you. A sharpener is also able to open up the casing of your clippers and give them a good clean internally – you'd be surprised how much hair gets inside the casing!


heiniger opal clipper


You can help prevent the build-up of hair inside the casing by regularly wiping off any hair that sits underneath the blade. You can do this with either the brush that is supplied with your clippers or just a simple toothbrush. It's also important to wipe any hair off your blades and oil / clean them regularly, as dirty blades can cause issues with how your clippers run and slow them down. When oiling your blades, you want to make sure that no oil gets into the inner mechanisms of your clippers! This can again slow down or jam your clippers or stop them from working completely. You need to angle your clippers down when applying oil, so any excess drips off the blade. I personally like to do this over a bin to avoid a slippery floor afterwards!


Groom professional 4 in 1 clipper spray


I always use the Groom Professional 4-in-1 clipper spray to keep my blades disinfected and clean, and either the oil supplied with my clippers or the Andis Clipper Oil to oil them. When I do a deep clean, I love using the Groom Professional Klip Well solution in an ultrasonic jewellery cleaner to really get into every nook and cranny of my blades.

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