Halloween may historically be a time for warding off frightful, evil beings, but many use the opportunity to dress up in terrifying outfits, make frightening pumpkin faces and set off deafening fireworks, sparklers and bangers, much to the dismay of millions of animals around the country.
Halloween really can be a frightening time for our beloved pets.
If you, or those around you, are hosting festivities over the Halloween period, there are a number of things to keep in mind to help keep your hound happy.
October and November typically see an increase in the number of small pets, especially dogs and cats, being reported missing.
Unexpected noises such as fireworks can spook animals and lead to them darting off. To avoid this, try to keep small animals inside during the Halloween period and check on them regularly.
Reassure your pets. Let them know you are there. Close the curtains for a cosy night in and put the radio or television on as a distraction to drown out the noise. These steps will take their mind off the fireworks.
If your pets are still displaying signs of anxiety, you many wish to use additional products to help them relax, such as
which offer a natural calming suppliment and is not a sedative.Trick or Treating
As well as fireworks at Halloween, trick or treating can pose a major risk to your pet, giving further reason to keep a close eye on them.
The door knocking and opening numerous times with gangs of small children dressed as ghosts and gouls in search of treats will be unnerving for your beloved animals and provide them the perfect opportunity to make a dash in search of somewhere quieter.
The abundance of chocolate treats and sweets on display for the small gangs of giggling ghosts will also pose a risk that can be fatal for pets, especially dogs. Chocolate poisioning can be deadly for pets, so ensure everything is kept out of reach or behind a cupboard door to be safe.
It is tempting to want to include your pets in the festivities and give them treats but stay away from chocolate. Go for pet specific food and treats that are designed specifically for their needs.
Another idea is to purchase a new toy which will also act as a distraction to the fireworks.
Fancy Dress
Your pet is part of the family, so why should they miss out on all the fun? If you want to have them join in on the fancy dress at your Halloween party there are endless possibilities.
Some owners ask if it is ok to put their pet in a halloween costume. This is a question without a one size fits all answer, if a dog shows signs of uncomfort or distress when put into a costume then it should never be forced to, on the other hand some dogs become quite playful and enjoy getting in on the excitement.
If you are feeling adventurous and want to go for a DIY outfit for your treasured pet check out the range of clips, bows and blow pens available on our webiste to compliment any outfit!!
Remember, happy hound, happy home, happy Halloween!